Paradise Recovered Now Streaming on Netflix

Paradise Recovered Poster

Big news for Paradise Recovered. The film is now streaming on Netflix!

Here is what one viewer had to say about the movie on Netflix: “This film moved me to tears. In a good way. It is very rare that a film can appeal to everyone, regardless of spirituality. If you are looking for a great film that is prime with wit, heart and spiritual sensibility, you should click “Instant Queue” NOW. I highly recommend.”

CLICK HERE to watch it instantly on Netflix.

Kevin Durant’s Olympic Games Challenge

File under reasons I love my job. A few weeks ago, my good friend Christopher Hunt of Midwest Media called me in to help shoot this spot for GE’s series of Olympic Games Challenges.

I gaffed the interview and ran sound and was thrilled to be a part of it. I like the way it turned out. Nice, simple and to the point. And Kevin Durant couldn’t have been nicer. #ThunderUP #HookemHorns and #GoTeamUSA

Paradise Recovered: Cast and Crew Interviews

Shot at our Alamo Drafthouse screenings in Austin, TX, this short video reveals the heart behind the film. A film that seeks to tell a great story, entertain audiences, but also spread the word about the reality of and damage caused by spiritual abuse. The Alamo Drafthouse screenings benefited two outstanding nonprofit organizations: Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center and Austin’s own Lights. Camera. Help.

Paradise Recovered News and Links

Paradise Recovered is officially a New Release. On April 24th, our distributor, Monarch Home Entertainment, launched the film on DVD. It was an exciting day. It was so fun to see the film published on lists of new releases, alongside films like Mark Wahlberg’s latest, Contraband (Here’s a LINK to that article). It was even more fun to watch it sell out on Amazon on that very first day. They have since restocked. If you don’t have a copy yet, you can order it on Amazon HERE.

UPDATE MAY 12th*** Paradise Recovered is now available to rent on iTunes, Amazon Instant and through various cable video on demand outlets. Search for it where you like to watch and stream movies.

Click HERE to rent it on iTunes

Click HERE to rent it on Amazon

You can also add Paradise Recovered to your DVD queue on Netflix. Netflix hasn’t started shipping our DVD to customers yet because we don’t have it saved in enough queues. Once enough people have it added it, Netflix will start sending it out. Even if you have already seen the film, please consider adding it to your Netflix DVD queue (to help get us to the critical number). And please encourage friends and family to add it to their Netflix DVD queues. Here’s a link to Paradise Recovered on Netflix.

The Paradise Recovered Soundtrack is now available in MP3 form on Amazon. We also have some physical CDs that we just got in to sell at screenings and such. If you really want a CD and not MP3s, come out to one of our screenings.

Finally, in conjunction with our DVD release, we launched a brand new Paradise Recovered website. The new site features the trailer, a blog, information on upcoming events, and a Get Help tab for those looking for more information and/or help in matters of spiritual abuse. Thanks to Virginia Rothenflue for designing and implementing our wonderful new site.

Paradise Recovered Hot Off the Presses

Lots of great things happening on the Paradise Recovered front today. First up, Brown (UPS) dropped off a fresh batch of Paradise Recovered DVDs at By the Glass Headquarters in Bedford, IN! This marks the first confirmed sighting of the Paradise Recovered DVD in the wild. Thanks to our wonderful distributor, Monarch Home Entertainment, the discs look and sound fantastic. The new DVD includes a commentary track featuring myself, Writer/Producer Andie Redwine and stars Heather Wallis and Dane Seth Hurlburt. In addition, there is a short documentary on the disc called Beyond Paradise, which features interviews with some of the world’s foremost experts on cults and mind control.

The DVD officially releases April 24th and you can pre-order now HERE at Amazon and/or add it to your DVD queue HERE on Netflix.

We’re also really excited about a certain guest blog post that went live today. The highly esteemed Matthew Paul Turner invited Andie to write a post for the fantastic Jesus Needs New PR site. Have you been spiritually abused? This is for you… Even if you have not, please read and share this awesome post!

And, if you haven’t yet seen it, here is the Paradise Recovered Trailer:

Paradise Recovered Now on Netflix!

‎Paradise Recovered is now available on Netflix! For those of you who don’t know, Paradise Recovered is my directorial debut. We couldn’t be more excited to see the DVD on Netflix. It’s really exciting and amazing.

If you have the DVD plan with Netflix, could you do me a huge favor? Please SAVE Paradise Recovered to your Queue. This is how Netflix will gauge the demand for our film so please please please add it to your DVD queue if you have one. I will love you forever. Well, I already love you, but I’ll love you even more. Thanks so much everyone. And if you know anyone who might have the DVD plan at Netflix, please pass this along to them. The more the merrier.

Thank you all so much. You are the awesomesauce!

If the link doesn’t get you there, login and search for Paradise Recovered. And remember, for now, this is DVD only. So it’s not available for streaming yet. Stay tuned!