Sachtler Ace Tripod Review

In which I was directing a commercial at DP Jim Flores‘ home when I noticed a shiny new tripod in the garage and suddenly found myself being interviewed for this video review!

The Sachtler Ace is a fantastic little tripod. The best budget tripod I’ve ever used. It’s like finding a compact car with many of the features in a luxury sedan.

8mm Vintage Camera iPhone App

Update: I’m looking for more great video apps for the iPhone. Let me know of any you’re using or have heard about and I’ll check them out.

I noticed my review video had over 1000 views in a 24 hour period and wondered what was up. Turns out Philip Bloom included this video in his recent post, Adventures in Film…and fake 8mm.

I saw a review of the 8mm Vintage Camera App posted on Nino Leitner’s blog and I had to give it a try. I downloaded it and took it to hockey practice. This video review shows the results. This little app is really a lot of fun. It has several different film looks, as well as several lens looks that are all easily selectable while the app is recording. Besides being fun, I think filmmakers can get creative with this and come up with some great ideas for how to use it.

8mm Vintage Camera iPhone App Layout

Someone asked about the window in the app looking like it’s 4:3 and then my video being 16:9. I thought that was interesting too. I didn’t do anything to stretch it out. I simply saved the clips in the app. Saving the clips transfers them into your video/stills library. Then I downloaded the clips into iPhoto and edited this video using iMovie. All of that worked really seamlessly and the resulting aspect ration was 16:9. I haven’t tried to take any of these clips into Final Cut Pro yet.

If you don’t have the app yet, you can get it HERE.